I was sipping cold cofee that day in the first floor table of the cafe, the coffee was bitter and the musings of the person in front of me was no better. I was looking in her eyes but my mind was shouting mercy, I tried to look intrested but dont know if i managed it right. I was looking around for more interesting faces when I looked at a dirty old dog on the streets. The dog was not even worth a glance and i just looked through it and returned back to hear the uninspiring talks. The lady in front of me was blabbering around and all I was thinking, was a means to escape. God must have heard me for the lady execused herself and I had a moment respite. I looked back at the road and there was the dog still standing where it was with a puzzled look as it looked ahead at the tar road.
The dog's look was interesting. If I can quantize emotions then possibly I will give it as 30% irritation,20% puzzled, 30% anger, 10% hurt and 10% resignation. Just kidding, In a single word the dog was absolutely world-wearied. It tried to move forward when suddenly a motor cylcle with a macho guy and coy girl zipped through. Poor dog didnt know that they had more important work and they were getting late, the dog was just happy may be that he was not run over. He was back at the same place. Now he looked to his left from where the motor cycle had crossed, (he may have thought of it as the dog remover, but sadly I dont understand a dog's language), he found that it was empty. He gave a winning smile, with the dirty gums visible and I responded with a burp. Now he steadily moved forward.
In the middle of the road he realized that now there was a big car coming from the right, he may have been dead but for the heavy honking and he just froze where he was. The car stopped with a creeking break and the driver gave a mean look and a loud curse cursing the dog, its dead mother, her father and also the father's sister.This done the car left and our dog was hurt but still looking ahead.
Freud should have been there to analyze the dog's determination but on 2nd thoughts he would have also commented on my being interested in the dog crossing the road. The lady had still not come but the waiter had and he was asking if I needed something else I just gave him an order for something which was the cheapest and continued with my dog watch. The dog hadnt made any more progress but its look had changed. It was no more disgusted, no more hurt it was just plain determined. I kept on looking at him pining for him to cross the road and there it was looking forward to run his last lap.
The road had become pretty empty with sporadic movements of the odd cycle and rare bikes. The dog gave a look towards the left, turned its head towards the right , made a computation of the time it needed to cross and then dashed ahead. It kept on running as if there was no tommorow and crossed the road in less than 3 seconds. It must have been a record of sorts but there was no one to take notice save me. It was now at the other side, I was smiling and so was the dog. It looked back and saw the mighty road, the great obstacle that he had tackled. He was just enjoying his moment standing below the unfinished building which some say is another shopping complex in making.
The dog just stood there with the content smile and the twinkling eyes. He was in a world of his won enjoying his victory, the world passing along his wide eyes. The gum was still visible, the eyes had a drop of tear or two. he didnt hear the continued traffic, he didnt hear the people shouting, he didnt hear the rock falling. There was no sound, none at all, just the thud of the rock, the silent whimper of the dog and the swish of the life passing around. The workers were angry because now they had a dead dog on the stone. They lifted the stone removed the dog and threw the body in the dustbin on the other side of the road. The dog was back to the place where he had started from, but it was unaware. He remained blissfully unaware that his dash had been a failure. He remained on the top of the garbage pile waiting for the corporation workers' garbage trolly.
Meanwhile, my lady had come back, the idle chatter had resumed and I stayed pretending to listen.