Salim was dead, there was no denying the fact. The fact though had still not sinked in. It was not even a day to the evening in which, he, just liked that died. No premonitions, no instinctive denials... just a morning of shopping, a late vegeterian lunch, a few hours of sleep, the customary hugs while leaving, the wistful thinking that we should all stay in Mysore, and barely the bike had been out of Mysore, he was gone... Just like that. A crash, few clatters, the piercing silence, someone's cry for help, the din of the sudden crowd which had erupted and then silence again... and .. and he was gone... Just like that.
Another day had just begun to end perhaps... the seconds were ticking... perhaps waiting for something to happen. The TV remained silent as everyone was grappling with their very own personal dreams, fighting with their personal thoughts .. A fight which they maybe were going to loose. Tomorrow was the day they all dreaded, some of them were burying their son, some their friend and some their brother. They chanted along.. "A lily of a day was fairer far in may" but what about the bird whose oak has fallen in his prime and not "bald and seer". A 7 foot long pit for a 6 ft guy... a 3 ft wide grave for a thin chap and there he will lie to grow like an oak.... A tomb will say what may be he never even wanted to say and a place where maybe the birds will chirp and the dogs rest. Not able to take it any longer... they all slept...atleast tried to....and they dreamt on.
A mother's dream:
Mama.... get up... u still sleeping, have to go to office... a voice echoed from somewhere. The mother woke up in her dream jumped to cling to her son never may be to let him go away.The tears which had dried near her eyes had formed a white layer which her son so lovingly wiped. She pleaded with him never to leave her even a second on which he so agreeingly nodded. She wondered why her son was so thin... he had to eat better now ...She just looked at his face and clinged to her more strongly than ever. Now that she was convinced that all the phones that had come the other day were rumors, all the wailing that she had heard was just a bad dream, she looked at the watch which showed 3 AM in the morning. Surprised, she looked back at her son but he was no longer there... he maybe was lost in her cling. She went back to her bed, truth had atlast dawned on her. The next day, after getting up from feigning sleep, she went to the front door. The plant that till yesterday was barren had bloomed and a while lily smiled at her. She smiled. Her son was back.
A friend dreams on:
It was no use lying on the bed... sleep was difficult to come by. Anshu got up to have some water and then went back to the gory bed. He thought of thoughts, memories flodding by, some sweet, some sour but memories which were difficult to let go. He drifted along to reach a zone where he was not sleeping nor was he keeping awake. He was just floating along. He realized he had reached some god forsaken graveyard... the dark graves were covered with wild grass... some pink flowers were blooming in the hedges... there were tombs all over, some markings etched all over. He stopped to look at the epitaphs.... some had died young, some were babies and some in their prime. A lady was lying with her 2 young sons and a dutiful? wife with her loyal husband. He saw a grave with his friend's name on it. He stopped and then started pounding on the grave with all might.The grave caved in... and he found his friend at the end of the tunnel, the same huge nose, ugly face and the small eyes which sinked in when smiling... eating some mangoes in the white "You can legally marry a goat" tshirt. Anshu got angry... when the world was in mourning, this guy was eating mangoes. He tried dragging him from the pit but couldnt, his friend was being sucked more into the tunnel. He started despairing, he kept wailing and calling for help but all he saw was the dark tunnel and darkness that was crowding on him. He woke up in a start and found his friends gathered around him asking him to be ready for the burial. He got up and went to the balcony. He looked ahead at a small kid playing in the mud who had put some of it in his mouth too. He looked on at the small kid, the kid caught his eyes and smiled.
A lady weeps:
Ahana replaced the phone and straight went to the kitchen, her refuge where she could be alone, where no one would disturb her. She remembered college, where they used to meet secretly escaping those prying friends. The touch of his hands when it brushed across her side, the carefree smiles and the talks, how can she forget the talks. Now all that she had of him was the memories, he was no more, so the informant had told.Ahana couldnt believe for a second, she was far away in taxas where as he in bangalore, but still, they had shared moments.. once.. long ago. How could she forget. She remembered how he didnt come for her marriage, he couldnt he said and she understood... pretended to be angry but understood. It was getting late, she had to wake up early for the doctor's appointment and for that she had to sleep, if she could. Her husband was on the other side sleeping like a log, the telephone rings never seemed to bother him.Ahana tried sleeping... her half open eyes were looking at her husband, she saw instead of her husband it was salim,smiling at her.It was the same face, the same cringed eyes, the ugly nose and the dimpled smile, and they were sharing kisses. She didnt know if she was enjoying it, she didnt even try to think... the face was still changing... there were now sweats on his face... it was red... instead of sweat it was now blood which was flowing from his face... his face was cut... his tooth broken... there were dark spots all through and his eyes betrayed hurt.She woke up with a sudden pain. She sat on her haunches and patted her belly... her 7 months old baby had kicked.
They were all dreaming... living with the dead... burying him, exhuming him... and then burying him again...Mud prints everywhere... all dreams bloodied...Someone was dead and the living were dying with him. Those alive were living but they were dying again and again and again.
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