Thursday, February 28, 2008

Haikus on the road

Haikus are the Japanese take on minimalist poetry. Surprising, isnt it, that poems could be further deplumed and create a wonderful tool, celebrating raw narure bereft of any other supplements what so ever.

Before continuing any further, let me be clear that the underwritten are not traditional haikus, as thay are not of 17 syllables, nor does it contain a kigo, Its basically a modern haiku written cleebrating my numerous rides in the jungle of Bangalore traffic.

Dark clouds and a light drizzle
Fast cars and an anxious mother
A child orphaned. (1)

Black bird cawing hidden in trees
Curious eyes searching for life
Horns Blare. (2)

An isolated mango hidden amongs the leaves in a tree
Stealing beggar caught by a screaming guard at hand
Onlookers yawn as a child wails hunger. (3)

Girl blowing life in a flower
Flowers galore as a woman clenses
Posters,they inspire. (4)

A child feeding in public view
Hungry kids playing in the prying sun
Bloody beggars!!! (5)

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