Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The day Rajiv Gandhi died:

The americans say that everyone in the country remembers the moment when they heard that JFK was assasinated. True I thought, We Indians have the same feeing about the day Mahatma gandhi died or the moment we heard of the brutal murder of Rajiv. Love him or hate him, the brutal murder evoked sympathy for the soul lost.

It happend some 15 years ago, and I was not even 10 but the day is etched in my memory. I was standing on the rooftop playing cricket with my friends when some friend told me that rajiv gandhi was dead and was killed by a bomb blast. I just looked at him and we started playing again. After a few hours I went home and told my mom about the brutal murder. She looked distressed and with moist eyes said, "oh Rajiv gandhi died, What a handsome man he was". I just looked on, I didnt realize what was more distressing, the ex prime minister's death or the handsome man's face blodied.

I still am not able to forget that day.

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